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ML Study/Stanford CS234: Reinforcement Learning

Stanford CS234 Lecture 3

by 누워있는말티즈 2022. 8. 5.

Lecture 3

Stanford CS234: Reinforcement Learning | Winter 2019 | Lecture 3

recap MDP evaluation of Dynamic Programming

Dynamic Programming

  • case where we know exact model (not model free)

Initialize $V_0 (s)=0$ for all s

for k = 1 until convergence

for all $s$ in $S$

$V^\pi_k(s)=r(s,\pi(s)) + \gamma \sum_{s' \in S} P(s'|s,\pi(s))V^\pi_{k-1}(s')$

and we iterate until it converges → $||V^\pi_k-V^\pi_{k-1}||<\epsilon$

  • if k is finite

    → $V^\pi_k(s)$ is exact value of k-horizon value of state $s$ under policy $\pi$

  • if k is infinite

    → $V^\pi_k(s)$ is approximate value of state $s$ under policy $\pi$

    → $V^\pi_k(s)$ ← $E_\pi [r_t+\gamma V_{k-1} | s_t=s]$

    resulted states of an action would be “expectation” over the state-action.

    “when we know the model, we can compute immediate reward and exact estimate sum of future states. then we can substitue, instead of expanding $V_{k-1}$ as sum of rewards, we can boot strap and use current estimate $V_{k-1}$”

    *Bootstrapping : 같은 종류의 예측값을 업데이트 할 때 예측값을 이용하는 것(예측값을 사용해서 예측값을 업데이트)

Model Free Policy Evaluation

we do not know the reward & dynamics model

Monte Carlo(MC) Policy Evaluation

→ we think of all the possible trajectories we can get from the policy and average all the returns

  • no bootstrapping

  • can only be applied to episodic MDPs

    → averaging over returns from complete episodes

    → requires episode to terminate

Consider a statistic $\hat{\theta}$ that provides an estimate of $\theta$ and is a function of observed data $x$ → $\hat{\theta}=f(x)$


First-Visit MC algorithm

Initialize $N(s)=0, G(s)=0$ where $N$ is number of times a state is visited

Loop the following

$V^\pi(s)$ obtained is an ‘estimate’ thus might be wrong. So how do we evaluate??

  • $V^\pi$ estimator in first-visit MC is an unbiased estimator of $E_\pi[G_t|s_t=s]$
  • by law of large numbers, as $N(s)$→$\infin$, $V^\pi(s)$ converges to $E_\pi[G_t|s_t=s]$ “consistent”

Every-Visit MC algorithm

Initialize $N(s)=0, G(s)=0$ where $N$ is number of times a state is visited

Loop the following

Note there’s no “first” on this algorithm.

  • $V^\pi$ in every-visit MC estimator is a biased estimator

    → multiple experience on a state gets them correlated, thus data no longer ‘iid’

  • stiil a consistent estimator and often has better MSE

Incremental MC algorithm

we can slowly move running average in this algorithm

Non-stationary domains → dynamics model changes over time.

Advanced topic, but incredebly important in real world

  • MC estimate Example

    Q1. Let $\gamma=1$. First visit MC estimate of V of each state?

    Ans . $V_{s_1}$~ $V_{s_3}=1$ , $V_{s_4}$ ~ $V_{s_7}=0$ → we dont know states 4~7 without experience

    Q2. Let $\gamma=0.9$. compare first-visit & evert-visit MC estimate of $s_2$

    Ans . first-visit : 0.81 , every-visit : 0.855

    → fisrst-visit의 경우 $s_2$→$s_2$→$s_1$의 루트를 가며 첫 경험만 계산하므로


    따라서 $V^\pi (s_2)=0.81/1=0.81$이

    → every-visit의 경우 $s_2$→$s_2$→$s_1$의 루트를 가며 두 encounter 모두 계산하므로


    따라서 $V^\pi (s_2)=1.71/2=0.855$ 이다.

What Monte-Carlo Evaluation is doing

approximate averaging over all possible futures by summing up one trajectory through the tree”

→ sample a return, add up all the rewards along the way

Key Limitations

  • Generally high variance estimator

    → Reducing variance can require a lot of data

    → Impractical when lacking data

  • Requires episodic settings

    → Episode must terminate to use to update $V$

Temporal Difference(TD) Policy Evaluation

Combination of Monte-Carlo & dynamic programming method

→ takes Bootstrapping aspect from dyamic programming

→ takes Sampling from Monte-Carlo

Immediately updates estimate of $V$ after each ($s,a,r,s'$) tuple → no need to wait episode to end

TD Learning estimation

→ we’re gonna get immediate reward plus discounted sum of future rewards

Now let us compare $V^\pi(s)$ of incremental every-visit MC with TD

Incremental every-visit MC

instead of using $G_{i,t}$ we bootstrap with immediate reward plus expected future reward.

TD Error

\delta_t=r_t+\gamma V^\pi(s_{t+1})-V^\pi(s_t)

TD algorithm can immediately update estimated after each ($s,a,r,s'$) tuple

  • TD algorithm Example

    Ans. [1 0 0 0 0 0 0], we can sample tuples from trajectory as below

What Temporal-Difference Evaluation is doing

V^\pi(s)=V^\pi(s)+\alpha([r_t+\gamma V^\pi(s_{t+1})]-V^\pi(s))

for state $s_t$, we update this by using a sample of $s_{t+1}$ to approximate expected next state distribution or future distribution. And then, we bootstrap by plugginf in previous estimate of $V^\pi$.

Evaluating Policy Evaluation Algorithms


Dynamic Programming Monte-Carlo Temporal-Difference
Usable without model of correct domain X O O
Handles non-episodic domain O X O
Handle non-Markovian domain X O X
Converge to true value in limit (in Markovian domain) O O O
Unbiased estimate of value X O X

Bias/Variance characterisics of algorithms

Batch MC and TD calculation

we might want to spend more calculation to get better estimate... for better “sample efficiency


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